Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...

A little note to wish you a nice holiday as you celebrate the deaths of millions of natives in the process to WASP nation of freedoms that are still not offered to everyone in the US after nearly 250 years of its birth and nearly 400 years since the Plymouth rock landing. I think it is quite obvious we only continue to call it a holiday because there's lots of food involved and let's face it, Americans love food, sometimes too much. It's simply a good excuse to gorge ourselves and of course, like all consumerism happy capitalist nations, we will also be gorging ourselves on mostly needless items as gifts tonight into tomorrow and often injure, maim, and even kill others in the process to get the cheapest items possible that were probably made in sweatshops by people, even children, who have to work, and get little to no pay in doing so, and won't be getting a single gift for the holiday or any holiday as they are lucky to have food each meal.

So...enjoy your meal and savings and pretend to give thanks.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I am burdened by the horror of humanity once more. It is true that we just cannot know what's going in the minds of other people. None of this is to invoke paranoia, but fact. It's been nine months since the horrific murders of innocent first grade children took place in Connecticut. We are saddened as a nation and across the world, but because we did not know anyone involved, we forget about it. It's not that we just don't care about the parents' needless grief because we do. We just cannot possibly spend all our time mourning the deaths of people we never met before. We could not survive if we tried to mourn the deaths that occur every single day across the globe. There's an estimated 6,000 people who die every hour, which is well over a 100,000 each day. It's not not feasible to be aware and mourn everyone.
What's my point? Where am I headed? Well, let's just say some really scary people exist in this world. I'm sure we all know this and any adult who does not has clearly not been a part of civilization in their lifetime. But even with this awareness, we cannot spend our lives in fear that someone is going to harm us. We are aware and take precautions, make sure we are aware of our surroundings and all that jazz, but we can't not go out or hide in our built-in fallout shelter of paranoia with stocked food waiting to die for fear someone harming us. It's not likely that anything will happen while we are out and about living life.
However, the reminder of the threats still out there came tumbling down on me the other day when I learned of the news that my alumni elementary school had recently been a minor lock down while police searched the school. It was only local news, so few people are aware of what happened. The janitor had apparently planned on making gas bombs to go off in the cafeteria. Stomach-sinking sick. I don't care if he was joking or not, that's one disturbed way to make a joke. It's the life of innocent children we are talking about here. Thankfully he was arrested and everything was fine, but it was certainly jarring to hear.
Once again I say, no child should be dropped off at school in the morning and not come home safe in the afternoon/evening. No parent should have to fear that when they drop their child off it could be the last time they ever see them alive. School should be safe. We need to make sure it is the best we can.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Most Beautiful Songs I Know...

Just a list of some beautiful songs, ones with great meaning and often have a powerful singer:

Angels and Demons by Melissa Otero: I heard this song on Dance Moms and I was amazed I had not heard of this woman before. She has an amazing voice and it is a powerful song to me.

I Want to Know What Love is by Foreigner: This varies by individual, but I say I want to dance to this song at my wedding should I ever maybe get married...or better yet, should anyone stand me long enough to actually want me to be their wife, which probably won't happen. Oh well, song still speaks to me.

When Love Takes You In by Steven Curtis Chapman: I'm not Christian, so his music is useless to me in general, however as an advocate of legal and safe adoption to children abandoned/neglected and/or orphaned in the U.S and across the globe and against the trafficking of any child, this song is one of the best I've heard on this subject. Only problem with it is the idea that love is enough to parent these children, who have likely experienced and lived in circumstances we could imagine in our worst nightmares. PTSD is not unheard of in foster children and children in orphanages often have institutionalized behavior problems such as overeating and food hoarding and aggression. Like all children in new environments, they're going to test their boundaries and see what they can get away with as well and no, they don't have to be grateful to their adoptive parents. They never asked for their circumstances in the first place.

On a similar note,
This is to Mother You by Sinead O'Conner: Just a beautiful song and I think it fits in with adoption perfectly. Sinead is quite a powerful singer.

Woman in Chains by Tears for Fears with Oleta Adams: A sad, but powerful song with the message it is trying to tell.

Requiem for A Dream by Clint Mansell: Just a powerful song, especially when aware of what the movie is about.

Hellfire and God Help The Outcasts from the Disney movie of the Hunchback of Notre Dame: Such a powerful story for child's movie and honestly surprised they were able to make it child-like, yet incorporate such adult themes of religion and politics into the film as well. Well done Disney...the sequel is total shit on a stick though, so don't bother if you haven't seen it.

Any other songs you find beautiful and/or powerful? Ones that evoke an emotional response from you in some way? Feel free to share.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Icky, Icky, Icky

I am sick. Not sure what's going on with my body, but it has been in disarray for about 48 hours now. My neck and back are killing me. My legs feel a bit better, but I feel like I'm on the verge of developing a sinus headache and have all day. The fatigue is overwhelming and all I have done or wanted to do today is sleep. Thanks to Kaopectate, my intestines have calmed down for the time being. The rest of the issues have only popped up today. I need to feel better tomorrow because I have a lot to get done that I was unable to do today thanks to this random malaise that's taken over. I also need to be stabbed in the arms Thursday. Weekly allergy injections are so much fun.
Photo from Microsoft Office Online
It's way too early for flu season and I don't believe it's the flu I have. I think it was something I ate and my neck and back pain are from lack of exercise and too much time lying down watching movies I own or on YouTube most of the day yesterday and today. Sinus headache feeling is problem from all the allergy issues lately and exhaustion is from being ill.

*Apologies to trypanophobics and aichmophobics who may see the above photo. No harm intended.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50 Years Ago Today

Today makes 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous "I have a dream" speech and today I am wondering how much different things are in 50 years. Are we equal or close to equal or is there still a gap that needs filled for equality to happen?

If you wish to read the entire speech, you can do so here.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I passed my test, so I am finally, FINALLY going to graduate college. Things are looking up just a little for once. There's a little light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is barely noticeable. One journey down. So many more to go.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Back-to-School is always hard

 blackboards,brick walls,chalks,education,fotolia,start of semester,writings
This is the last full week of summer for children in the local school district. The local stores and ads are there to remind everyone of this time of the year where parents cheer and children moan. It is also my little brother's last year in school. I can't believe my youngest sibling is almost grown and my mother is not enjoying that school is starting extra early this year. I think almost all children feel the same, for different reasons.

I don't have any children, so the start of a new school year doesn't mean shuffling unhappy children to buy backpacks, lunchbags, notebooks, pencils and tissue boxes. Yet, there's a sadness within me. No, I am not in any hurry to have a school-age children. I prefer to go from infancy on up, giving me at least six years, but likely more since I am not currently pregnant and don't intend to get pregnant right now, before I have to drop a child off at the local elementary school and wave good-bye. No, I am not sad to not have a child in school. Being childless is great right now with my busy life. I feel like I neglect my dogs sometimes, so having a baby that can't fend for itself and can't be left alone for obvious reasons is a bad idea right now. Certainly one day I hope I will be able to be a mother. I am glad I can go and do what I want without concerning myself with what I will do with a child.

I was going to be a teacher. A preschool/primary teacher to be exact. I still wish I was able to be one, but right now that cannot happen. And this is where my phobias interfere with my life. I can't do what I really want to do because of this and as the school year starts, a pain grips me inside as I look in. Seeing some of my friends discuss their school year and classrooms, especially those I started education with, a heaviness comes up in my chest and throat. I should be with them. I should be getting stuff for my classroom. I should be graduated and with a salary and a better place of my own by now, but I am not prepping for new students to teach and instead am stressed out trying to graduate and to find steady work I can do with no luck at the current moment.
I must work on my phobias and get my OCD under control because it's all ruined my life for far too long and I have allowed to do so. I can't cater to my fears any longer. Maybe, just maybe, one day I will get the life I always hoped to have. Well, no one said I had to stop dreaming, no matter how unrealistic it seems. I know it's all unrealistic, but when the dreams stop, so does the hope of a brighter future and the loss of hope is the loss of everything. Once you lose all hope of something getting better, life is over and I couldn't possibly live if I didn't have a small hope left of a better tomorrow. So, I will keep working on it and keeping hoping that one day, one day things truly will get better. I couldn't function if I told myself otherwise.

On a separate note, as a new school year comes upon us, let us all remember the families affected by tragedy and how hard it will be for parents who lose their children and won't be going through any of the motions they should be due to needless loss. I may feel sad, but my sadness will never come close to theirs. I will be thinking of such families. I will be thinking also of children who have a very difficult time in school or who may be bullied and are dreading a new school year and hope this year that things will be better for them.
(Images from Microsoft Office and


Sunday, July 28, 2013

One last chance

Tomorrow I am taking a DSST and this will be my last chance to graduate by August so I am crossing my fingers to just pass this time. Twice I have taken a science clep/dsst and twice I have missed the score by one point. If I miss this one again, I will have to believe I am cursed because seriously? It's not like I'm not studying each time or studying hard because I am. The nerves are going to really hit tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Making a Confession About My Main Phobia

I have a confession to make...I have emetophobia. What is emetophobia? It's a very intense and quite irrational fear of vomit or vomiting. It is both for me.
 African descent,anxieties,emotions,expressions,fears,gestures,people,women

I am not really sure when it all started, but I was very young, like six when I think the fear manifested itself. Now at age 24 I still have it and for any unaware readers, it sucks. I can't do so many things because this fear does control my life and so far no therapist had been able to help me. Unlike some fears, the act of vomiting isn't enough to cure it. Since my first panic attack related to vomit at the age of six I have vomited a few times and I can actually tell you how many times I have thrown up in my life as well. That's the life of an emetophobe. All were mild bugs for the most part, but none of the times were enough to stop my fear of puking. During the act and right after, you do think it's not that bad, but once better and life starts again, the fear comes right back the next time someone says they don't feel well. I dread every fall knowing the stomach viruses will be coming again in full force.

That's the other thing. As soon as someone says they don't feel well, the unease comes instantly and I become shaky before I even know what's wrong with them. And when someone says their stomach hurts, the adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. If they say they feel like they wanna puke, it's over and I want to run from the room and disinfect everything and when I am home I do. And I shower and make sure to get every millimeter I think may have been exposed to the sickness. It's not normal. And for years I believed I was the only one with this problem. No one else would run from the room at the thought of illness in someone. No one else seemed to be constantly living in fear of seeing vomit or someone vomiting.

The rituals are ridiculous and I have also been diagnosed with OCD because of my fearful obsessions and compulsive behavior related to emetophobia and I do think emetophobia and OCD are related. I have heard it said that emetophobia is an OCD and it's not per say, but let's face it, OCD often seems to manifest itself in this phobia because it creates obsessions and compulsions that are far from the norm.
 antibacterials,bottles,buckets,household chores,cleansers,containers,detergents,fotolia,germs,hygiene,maintenance,plastic,reflections,rubber gloves,sanitary,scrubs,services,sprays,tools

I notice and do things normal people don't do. And by normal, I mean the average person.

When there's a parked car at the side of the road, I panic and fear someone pulled over to get sick. I have not seen anyone pulled over to get sick because I notice. They are almost always broken down or seem lost or need to secure something better. Twice I can recall seeing someone getting sick while driving and I went into a full-fledged panic attack.

I almost never go out to eat and when I do I eat very little because I fear someone will throw up or I will see vomit and get sick after I eat.

I refuse to drink for fear of becoming ill and avoid others who are drinking or partying thinking they will vomit.

I will not go into a bar or club because people throw up in them all the time.

I fear going near a school. Though I would love to be a teacher, I cannot do so because kids will throw up and I can't deal with the stomach bugs that float around schools all the time.

I won't fly or go in a boat or use public transportation because I will see vomit and panic or someone will vomit and I cannot escape.

I watch sell-by dates and am gun-ho on not cross contaminating my raw meats with cooked foods and raw fruits and vegetables.

I will not eat certain vegetables or salad mixes until I see someone else eat it and after 24-48 hours and I can see that they are not ill so I won't get food poisoning.

I overcook my meats and pastas and rice often because it's better to be too done than underdone.

I rarely eat meats or most vegetables or some fruits out and especially if they are cut up beforehand because I don't trust that they did it right and I won't get sick. Norovirus is often spread through contaminated foods from an infected person, especially lettuce.

While I really, really want children one day the idea of being pregnant and having morning sickness is terrifying and even more so is the reality that yes, children will get sick and how I will handle it. I don’t want to run away when they throw up. That’s when they want and need attention most of all, when they are sick. How can I deal? I honestly don’t know right now.  
I watch all around me all the time overly aware of people who don't look well in my book and the possibility of vomit on the ground. Spilled things worry me until I realize what it actually is because my mind goes to one thing before any rational part can get there and that is "vomit!" Rainy days are best because puke washes away in the rain.

It doesn't matter how many times I have seen vomit, seen someone vomit or vomited myself, this fear is still there and it controls everything. And why, oh why, does it seem that people feel the need to tell me specifically about how they were vomiting and having diarrhea really bad last night? Or their children were? Why are you here? Why are you working? Why are your children here if you are sick? Please, please just stay home! I know many people see my fear as irrational and it is, but I do have this fear and telling me about your child puking up triple berry pancakes over the side of his bed this morning is not something I want to hear about. It's way, way worse than hearing about your toddler pooping in the big boy potty all by himself yesterday, though I don't wanna hear that either, but at least I know your tot was probably quite proud of himself. Not so with vomit stories. I don't want to know.
A few weeks ago a story came across my local news that local schools have been hit hard with the stomach bug and I panic. Though I have no children, let alone school age children, I go to a college with people who have young children and people have been catching nasty bugs right now. From October to May, I want to wear a hazmat suit. I seriously would if I wouldn’t look insane.
It wasn't until about a year ago that I learned my condition had a name and that is a leading phobia. I have discovered via internet that I am not alone in this phobia and I was reading lists of what other emetophobias claimed to do and I was in total shock because it was like I was reading about my life. There's nothing more comforting than to know that you are not a freak, that you are not alone in your problems.
Fellow emetophobics of the world, you are not alone. If you feel jittery when someone says they don’t feel well before you even know if it is their stomach that feels sick, I can relate. If parked cars and eating out make you nervous, I get it. Take heart. I truly do understand you. And so do about 1 million others. We can all get through this, no matter how scary it is. Never give up, it can be cured and life is worth it.
With Love,


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Last post I wrote about movies that contained vomit scenes for the emetophobic. If anyone wants a list of movies for another phobia, I would be happy to help out.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Movies to Avoid-Emetophobia

~Updated 5/29/2014~

Movies with Vomit scenes for the Emetophobe (those who fear/hate vomit):

10 Things I Hate About You
12 Years A Slave
21 and Over
21 Jump Street
28 days later
50 first dates (walrus vomit)
A Child's Wish
A Clockwork Orange
A Lonely Place to Die
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Albino Farm
Alien 1 (robot only) & 2
Alien Armageddon
Aliens (robot only)
All I Wanna Do
American Horror Story 1 & 2
American Pie
Amityville Horror
Angela's Ashes
Animal House
Anne of Green Gables
Apollo 13
Are We There Yet?
Bad Taste
Bag of Bones
Battle Royale 1 & 2
Benjamin Button
Big Daddy
Black Swan
Blades of Glory
Boogeyman 2
Born into Brothels
Bourne Identity
Breaking Dawn
Bring It On
Brokeback Mountain
Burt Wonderstone
Butterfly Effect
Cabin Fever 1 & 2
Car Wash
Carrie's War
Catch Me If You Can
Cheaper by the Dozen
City of the Living Dead
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Come See the Paradise
Crank: High Voltage
Crazy Jones
Dark Water
Date Night
Day of the Dead 2
Dead Silence
Death Row
Detroit Rock City
District 9
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Doc Hollywood
Dog Fight
Dog Soldiers
Don’t mess with the Zohan
Don't say a word
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Due Date
Dumb and Dumber
Dying Young
Edge of Darkness
Epic Movie
Evil Dead
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Four Rooms
From Hell
Funny Games
Get Him to the Greek
Get Over It
Get Smart
Girl Interrupted
Girls against Boys
God of Carnage
Green River Killer
Green River Killer
Grown Ups 2
Guest House Paradiso
Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie remake)
Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (2)
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince (6)
Hart’s War
Haunting in Connecticut
Henry Fool
Here Comes the Boom
Hero Wanted
Hope Floats
Horrible Bosses
Hot Rods
Hot Tub Time Machine
House at the End of the Street
How High 
I Love You, Man
In Her Shoes
In Time
Independence Day
Into the Wild
It’s Kind of a Funny Story
Jackass (all of them)
Jennifer's Body
John Dies at the End
Joyeux Noel
Kick Ass 2
Kickin' It Old Skool
Killer Elite
Kindergarten Cop
Knocked Up
Lakewood Terrace
Land of the Dead
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector
Last Hours in Suburbia
Leap Year
Let the Right One In
Letter to God
Like Minds
Little Fockers
Little Manhattan
Look Who’s Talking
Man of Steel
Mean Girls
Minority Report
Mission Impossible
Monster’s Ball
Monty Python's: The Meaning of Life
Mutant Chronicles
My Sister’s Keeper
Naked Gun 33 1/3
Nanny McPhee Returns
Natural Born Killers
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist
No Country for Old Man
Now Is Good
Open House
Osmosis Jones
Pacific Rim
Pan's Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Pinocchio 964
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
Pitch Perfect
Planet 51
Planet Terror
Poltergeist 1 & 2
Problem Child 2
Project X
Pulp Fiction
Quarantine 2-Terminal
Ramona & Beezus
Remember Me
Remember the Titans
Requiem for a Dream
Riding in Cars with Boys
Rocky (newest one)
Rules of Attraction
Saving Private Ryan
Saw 2 and 3
She’s All That
Shrek the Third
Sin City
Six Feet Under
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Sleepaway Camp 2
Sleeping Beauty
Slumdog Millionare
Soul Surfer
Stand By Me
Stealing Beauty
Super Bad
Super Size Me (documentary-real vomit)
Super Troopers
Sweet Home Alabama
Take Shelter
Take the Lead
Team America: World Police
Ten Things I hate about you
That’s My Boy
The 40 year old Virgin
The Art of Getting By
The Audition
The Backup Plan
The Birds
The Butterfly Effect
The Challenge
The Children
The Conjuring
The Crying Game
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Descent 1 & 2
The Exorcist
The Fly
The Fourth Kind
The Good Girl
The Green Mile
The Grudge 2
The Hangover
The Help
The Hitcher (older version, remake is safe)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
The Hole
The House Next Door
The Hunger Games 2
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
The International
The Invasion
The Last King of Scotland
The Lost Tribe
The Matrix
The Nest
The New Daughter
The Officers Ward
The Original Sin
The Painted Veil
The Parole Officer
The Pest
The Piano
The Place beyond the Pines
The Pregnancy Pact
The Reader
The Rebound
The Return of the Living Dead
The Ring
The Rum Diary
The Sandlot
The Sixth Sense
The Social Network
The Transporter
The Unborn
The Wedding Singer
The Whole Nine Yards
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Woman in Black
The World's End
The Wrestler
Thelma & Louise
Third Star
Trick or Treat
Tropic Thunder
Uptown Girls
Urban Legend
V: The Final Battle
Van Wilder
Water for Elephants
Wedding Crashers
Wicked Things
Witches of Eastwick
World’s End

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


STRESS. That's really the only word to use. Life has been a ball of stress and my classes are driving me up the wall. Never have I had such issues, so many unanswered e-mails, so much confusion and so little lack of communication. I have absolutely no idea what my grade is in two of my classes because they never return anything I have done or posted my grades...or anyone elses's either. I wanted to graduate this May, but a glitch means I still need a science class. Great. So I am trying to do it through LSU, but thanks to some computer issues I have not started so I will have to wait on my diploma for a couple weeks. No plans to walk or pay the $200 to go to graduation anyway, so I don't have to worry about not walking. And my school is very strict about it.

I think a mild, constant headache at the moment that probably won't go away until I see the diploma in my hands. Job searching is also needed as my education is closing in and I need to know what to do next. Where do I go? What sort of work should I do? So many decisions, so little time to make them.

Monday, January 21, 2013

50 years and a long way still

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement, I decided to break from my studies and write a little post.
" I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." "
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
I don't think I need to state where these words come from. Today, I have decided to reflect a little on this nation. It's been roughly 50 years (some places more, others less) since the civil rights movement and since integration was required. In many ways, we have come quite far in just 50 years time. In many other ways, we still have a long way to go. It's great we can elect a biracial president and it's great that people can marry outside their own race.
However, too many people still see a gain of biracial president or a black man or woman or any race or just a woman gaining a high position as an attribute of their race or their gender and not that a person was good enough for the job. Some people voted for Obama and Hilary Clinton just because they were biracial and a woman and not because they were thought to be great candidates with the ability to govern this country well. That says to me that we still have a ways to go. Yes, it's great we can elect them to office, but too often the criticism of the president has to involve his skin tone. It can't just be they don't like his policy or this new idea or this new law proposal. It seems to also have to mention that he's darker than former presidents. They just seem to hate every idea because it's his idea and there almost always seems to be the race factor in their disgust for him.
Sure, you can dislike someone's personality or ideas and it not be about their race, but most of the time, if the person is not white toned or lacks a penis, they're fair game to stereotyping and hatred still. It's been years almost a century since women gained voting rights and there's still lots of misogyny in our culture and it's been several decades since integration happened and there's still lots of racism towards anyone not 100% obviously white skin-toned.
We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.
Photo Source: CBSnews and The White House
 Note: Can't get rid of the little box at the bottom, just ignore it the best you can.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year 2013 update

Time for a little update...

New Year's Day was cold and dreary here, but the weather changed last weekend and it hit 71 on Saturday and 65 Sunday. It was wonderful, but teased everyone with a taste of spring. Monday it dropped to 40 as the high and in a 24 hour period it went from a warm 61 to sleet and 34. Right now it is just raining. Temperatures have dropped back to remind everyone that it's still mid-winter and Mother Nature's not ready for spring to arrive just yet.

Classes started Monday and it's my final semester. I am thrilled and will possibly be moving north this summer, but I will continue to dream of living in Florida.