Believe you can do anything. Nothing can stop you. Nothing is impossible. You can be anything you want to be.
Except when you can't. Except when it is impossible. Except when the world stops you. Except when life hands you things outside of your control.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade they say. Except that without sugar and water, your lemonade will just be sour and bitter.
Life is a lot like lemonade. Water is the day to day living, the monotony, the normal times. Sugar is the good times of life, the sweetness. The lemons are the bad or negative times of life, the sour and bitterness.
I suppose this Saturday is downer type of day. It's very hot and humid out and more bad news keeps flooding in.
Sometimes we just want good news for once. Just some good news.
-Photo from Wikimedia Commons. Neither I nor the author endorse one another.
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