1-In the morning, I do yoga and relaxation before eating.
etsy.com poster-https://www.etsy.com/listing/77342119/sun-salutation-yoga-poster?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=Internal_UK&utm_campaign=Merch
and pretend I am flexible enough to do these yoga poses...
2-I do some exposure and test my anxiety level.
Emetophobia Exposure
Virtual Reality-Acrophobia Exposure
3-Work on breathing techniques if nervous.
4-7-8 is one I learned. You breathe in through your nose slowly to the count of four, hold to the count of seven and then slowly, without forcing, breathe out to the count of eight.
*Note-I do not endorse Dr. Weil or his methods, this is simply an example of the technique. I only do it when an anxiety attack may be imminent. It works to prevent your breathing from getting heavy and short and also focuses on the breathing and counting and not on the thing that is causing the anxiety. Which is why it helps.
I also like the 5-5-5 rule, where you find five things you see, five things you feel, five things you hear, five things you smell. You can eliminate one that could cause more anxiety. For example, if someone throws up, smelling will not be helpful. It someone is giving you a spider to hold, what you feel will not likely help you.
4-I do some exercises and walk a dog or two as well depending on the weather.
This last one is great for both anxiety and depression and overall physical health.
What do you do to better yourself everyday?
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